Fact Sheet
Artikelnummer | 173871 |
Weintyp | Weißwein |
Rebsorte(n) | Riesling |
Land | Deutschland |
Region | Rheingau |
Jahrgang | 2022 |
Wein-Prädikat | QbA |
Geschmack | trocken |
Wein-Stil | charaktervoll & aussdrucksstark |
Nettofüllmenge | 0,75 L |
Alkoholgehalt | 13,00 % vol |
Trinktemperatur | 10-12°C |
Reifepotenzial | 2040 |
Gesetzliche Angaben | enthält Sulfite |
Produzent | Robert Weil |
Adresse | Erzeugerabfüllung, Abfüller: Weingut Robert Weil, Mühlberg 5, DE-65399 Kiedrich |
Unsere Verkostungsnotiz

In einem blassen Goldgelb fließt der Spitzen-Riesling ins Glas. Sanfte Noten von weißem Pfirsich steigen in die Nase, flankiert von Kräuterwürze, Fenchel und Eisenkraut, getrockneten Aprikosen und schon im Duft die salzige Steinigkeit der Lage. Im Mund super schlank, packend, Mineralik pur. Die Säure ist rasiermesserscharf, unglaublich frisch und animierend. Ein großer Wein, der schon jetzt ganz wunderbar zu trinken ist!
Wine in Black

Der neueste Geniestreich von Riesling-Gigant Robert Weil. Hierfür nutzt er seine vielleicht kühlste Lage, mit kargem Terroir und ringt ihr diesen eleganten, schlanken, mineralischen Riesling ab. Es zieht einen unwiderstehlich zum Glas zurück, der Trinkfluss ist gigantisch.
James Suckling

This super-racy and super-mineral dry riesling with its extremely fine white peach, wild flower and herb aromas is an archetypical expression of the steep, high-altitude vineyards of Kiedrich. Stunning crystalline finish that takes your breath away and pulls you inexorably back to the glass for more of this elixir that’s simultaneously strong and delicate. This wine used to be marketed under the name Burg Scharfensteiner. Great aging potential. Drink from release.
Robert Parker

The 2022 Monte Nostrum follows the Burg Scharfensteiner and is congruent with this former cru whose name was canceled in 1971 and re-introduced with the 2020, yet it had to change its name due to German impeachment. The name goes back to a document from 1160 that has the Schaufenstein castle named as Castellum Monti, but this name also couldn't be used due to another veto, now from Italy. However, Monte Nostrum is the legally accepted name now, and it's a good complement to the prestigious Monte Vacano from a special plot in the Gräfenberg.
The Monte Nostrum Riesling is sourced from the upper part of the Turmberg, so on pure phyllite slate, and will be sold exclusively via negociants in Bordeaux for at least 69 euros starting in September 2024. The 2022 opens with a pure, refined and coolish, stony/saline and citric bouquet of crushed stones and is remarkably precise. Lean, refined and elegant on the palate but also dense and intense, this is a pure, vibrantly fresh and mineral, savory and seriously structured Riesling from Kiedrich's coolest spot outside the forest. Sharp as a knife, it is an incomparable, very long and even concentrated yet never big or fleshy Rheingau Riesling with no similarity to any other location in the Rheingau but maybe to the Saar (Wiltingen) or, as Weil says, Breuer's Nonnenberg in term of its quiet flow. It was bottled in mid-August this year with only two grams per liter of residual sugar. 13% stated alcohol. Natural cork. Tasted at the domaine in August 2023.
Passt zu
Dem Klassiker: Quiche Lorraine! Harmoniert auch mit gehaltvollen Speisen wie Ente, aromatischem Weichkäse oder leicht pikanten Currys bestens.

Die Trauben für den Monte Nostrum Riesling wachsen an der höchsten Stelle des Kiedricher Bergs, direkt am Waldrand gelegen. Die Lese erfolgt von Hand in mehreren Durchgängen. Spontangärung und anschließend Ausbau in Doppelstückfässern für 12 bis 18 Monate.